
The communication of a century-old brand like Arcádia is an ongoing challenge. Despite its long history, this brand is constantly releasing new products and in recent years it has grown not only in media visibility, but also in its number of stores and product references. Global. has been working with this emblematic brand, as a communication agency, in order to disseminate all of this news.

Over time, we have ensured a constant presence in the main media, namely on television, where the brand presents its classic items associated with each season, such as chocolates at Christmas or almonds at Easter, but also constant news and innovations. Beyond the small screen, Arcádia often pops up in lifestyle publications with products and more corporate interviews, through the voice of its key players.

In addition, when it makes sense, we also manage the design of the press kits that are sent, and for selecting the list of media that receive them, in order to make the quality of Arcadia products even better known.

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