Content Creators

Marta Caras Lindas

Cooking, Food & Beverage, Wellness & Nutrition, Lifestyle, Beauty & Fashion

In 2016, Marta Caras Lindas embraced the world of healthy eating, became a Natural Chef and created the Programme REVOLUTION – Natural Chef. When her mother decided to return to Angola and close the restaurant they owned together, Marta started to cook daily for her family and, motivated by the need to learn how to feed more healthy food to her family, she enrolled on the Natural Chef course at the College of Naturopathic Medicine, London. She is partly of African descent and lived in Cuba during her childhood, so her personality is vivacious, as is her passion for food: she likes it spicy, crispy, salty, not to mention sweet, of course. She believes that food should taste good, and that healthy eating should mean much more than boring food. She believes that the educational component of food is fundamental, workshops and catering courses followed, demonstrating that it is always possible to turn traditional dishes into healthy options.

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