Bessa Pereira Gallery

For Bessa Pereira Gallery’s one-off communication, two angles in particular were worked on: on the one hand, the 10 years of activity of the well-known Bessa Pereira Gallery in Lisbon, and on the other, the opening of the first Portuguese gallery in Italy, under the name Bessa Pereira Gallery.

Considering Carlos Bessa Pereira, founder and head of both spaces, as the speaker, strategic means were defined to which interviews were proposed that were adjusted, from the point of view of angle and depth, to the reality of each news title. As a result, in the space of about a month, the following qualitative results were achieved: media presence in Visão, Caras, RDP Internacional, Rádio Observador, Rádio Renascença, Observador, ECO and the Weekend supplement of Jornal de Negócios, with an interview spread over six pages.

About Carlos Bessa Pereira

Carlos Bessa Pereira, after whom both galleries in Lisbon and Milan are named, was the president of the Portuguese Antique Dealers Association. A gallerist, researcher and collector par excellence, he started out in the decorative arts of the 18th century and later in Modern and Contemporary Art and post-war design, with a focus on Portuguese design. The Bessa Pereira Gallery, founded in 2013 in Lisbon, has exhibited artists such as Sara Bichão, Marta Soares, José Pedro Croft and Pedro Casqueiro. In the area of design, the monographic exhibitions of José Espinho, Daciano da Costa and Eduardo Afonso Dias stand out.

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