Public Relations

We create relevance and establish bonds of trust between brands and people.

Brands and institutions are living organisms, they have a spirit and stories to tell — more than could be held in the palm of a hand. We are the points of contact who devise creative and effective communication strategies to ensure that this sharing reaches the right target demographics.


What can we do for you

Media Relations

As specialists, our teams have a very close relationship with journalists and with the media. We are in daily contact with them, seeking out opportunities and understanding what they need. We establish relationships with the media, influencers and KOLs based on proactivity and efficiency. In addition to proactively disclosing information, we handle your requests quickly and efficiently.



We provide our customers in the Fashion area with a highly professional and qualified showroom, complementary service. A complementary service that reinforces communication strategies, thus facilitating presence in photographic productions, advertising, video clips or publications on social networks by influencers.


Reputation Management

Using well-structured communication strategies, we promote the construction of an attractive and trustworthy image that is easily identifiable by potential stakeholders.


Media Training

We prepare company and organizational spokespersons for different situations, such as press conferences or interviews, where they have to give clear messages at times of greater scrutiny and exposure



Crisis Management

We apply a careful analysis to identifying elements that could give rise to crises and we develop effective and timely response and general coordination plans, in order to avoid or limit the impact on the activity, reputation or operating capacity of the organization.



Public Affairs

Through a concerted strategy, we build and maintain a solid reputation for companies and institutions. We monitor all activity throughout the entire process, developing efficient communication strategies, providing relevant data, identifying decisive points of contact with stakeholders, with the aim of supporting the interests of our customers.



Content Production

We make the skills of our storytellers available to partners, by producing attractive and quality content, to ensure a clear and effective communication of messages.

Other Services

Marketing Digital

Public Relations

Influence Marketing

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